Congratulations to the Home Economists of New Brunswick & Reflections from Diane O'Shea, P.H.Ec.6/22/2018 The Ontario Home Economics Association (OHEA) would like to congratulate the New Brunswick Home Economics Association on the 100th anniversary of their association. One hundred years as a professional association is a significant accomplishment and demonstrates your members' dedication to the profession of Home Economics, as well to their own personal and professional development. The work of the Home Economists of New Brunswick over the last 100 years has lead to advocacy across many sectors - the result of which has been improved quality of life for individuals and families in their community and beyond. An important testament to the value of their work is also the fact that the number one suggestion received from New Brunswickers to make their province healthier was to have mandatory Home Economics classes! (1) This finding has contributed significantly to the growing conversations across several jurisdictions about this much-needed curriculum change. The New Brunswick Home Economics Association also had a conference on June 1-3, 2018. Their theme was "Celebrate the Past, Embrace the Present, and Look to the Future." We hope this three day event was filled with knowledge, creating connections, and encouraging Professional Home Economists to further develop this profession. Once again, we would like to congratulate the New Brunswick Home Economics Association on this monumental accomplishment. References: New Brunswick Medical Society. (2017). Top 3 in 10: Taking back New Brunswick’s Health. LET’S CELEBRATE 100 YEARS OF HOME ECONOMICS IN NEW BRUNSWICK June 1st to 3rd, 2018 Reflections by Diane O’Shea, P.H.Ec. When I first saw the notice about this conference in the OHEA Digest, I was impressed with the program and the fees. Given my now “retired” status, I turned to my husband and asked if he would like a drive to New Brunswick. He readily agreed and we were off to what would be the best professional development ever! Using the theme, “Celebrate the Past, Embrace the Present and Look to the Future”, the New Brunswick Home Economics Association created a truly memorable event. From the opening wine and cheese reception and the hilarious Dr Jeanne Godin a NBHEA president from 2005-2007 and 2013-2015 and a professor at the Universite de Moncton along with former Home Economics educator, Barry Robertson, to the closing ring ceremony for new Home Economics graduates the weekend was filled with wonderful networking (I didn’t know a soul), thought provoking speakers, exceptional food and facilities, and a dynamic exploration of 100 years in stories, music, décor, fashion and fun. There were delightful surprises along the way and we came home loaded with glorious gifts! The Evolution of the Home Economics Profession created an incredible interactive approach that celebrated the many people that pursued post-secondary studies in Home Economics and subsequently took positions in a variety of related fields such as extension and education. Through photos, role playing and storytelling former members and presidents accomplished an eye opening display of personal journeys in Home Economics as well as the history and formation of the Home Economics Association which began in 1918 with 61 Household Science graduates from Mount Allison Ladies’ College. The first by-laws were adopted in 1923 and the first newsletter was also published. Much credit must be given to Home Economics educator, Aline Landry, for tremendous research that culminated in an extremely impressive historical journey. At the end of the conference participants were presented with a 238 page Souvenir Booklet filled with stories, newspaper clippings and pictures. It is a tremendous read! The personal journeys truly reflect the upholding of Home Economics philosophy and mission in a variety of related fields for 100 years. Highlighting Our Different Fields of Practice featured a panel of professionals who work in a variety of socio-economic, political, educational and business sectors. Each panel member reflected on their Home Economics training and background and explained the impact in their various fields today as they strive to meet the changing needs of society. A Healthy Life for Today’s Families: What are the Challenges? Here Dr Linda Dalpe who is described as a person of influence discussed some of the challenges facing New Brunswick families and what can be done collaboratively to improve their health and quality of life. Dr Dalpe is very active within medical organizations in encouraging a shift towards prevention in managing health. She sees Home Economists and a more commonly used term, Family Economists, providing significant roles. The Future of Our Profession: Young Home Economists’ Vision of Our Profession portrayed current and upcoming generations of young professionals in Home Economics and Human Ecology as they explained their visions of the future of the profession. Participants were asked to describe their visions on huge picture frame which would be later displayed at the University of Moncton. In continuing the students’ visions two Universite de Moncton professors, Dr Julie Caissie and Dr Lyne Chantal, looked at the influence of new technologies on family relationships, now and in future, particularly with regard to the issue of consent. While the above presents a brief outline of the conference, here are some of my “take-aways”…
7/9/2018 11:11:02 am
It was a pleasure meeting you at the NBHEA conference in Dieppe. I too enjoyed the sessions and especially enjoyed reuniting with my former colleagues. We had a lot of fun reminiscing!
Diane O'Shea
7/10/2018 10:59:34 am
And so wonderful to connect to you, Roberta - would you add anything about the weekend that might be a consideration for Ontario Home Ec?
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The Ontario Home Economics Association, a self-regulating body of professional Home Economists, promotes high professional standards among its members so that they may assist families and individuals to achieve and maintain a desirable quality of life. Categories
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