The Ontario Home Economics Association (OHEA) is a self-regulated body of Professional
Home Economists, which promotes high professional standards among its members so that
they can assist families and individuals to achieve and maintain a desirable quality of life.
What is a Professional Home Economist?
Member Home Economists (approximately 300 members in Ontario) work in all areas of the public and private sectors. We utilize our specialized education and training to assist people in enhancing their daily lives. A provincial Act respecting the Ontario Home Economics Association recognizes the right of individuals who have met the membership qualifications to use the designation Professional Home Economist (P.H.Ec.). This registered status provides for self-regulation of member home economists by their peers via an established code of ethics, rules of professional conduct and standards of practice.
As professionals we are committed to empowering individuals and families with the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a desirable quality of life. Click here for more information!
For information about membership fees, click here.