From time to time, OHEA establishes awards to recognize the valuable contributions of volunteers. OHEA also offers incentive awards to university students in Ontario who achieve high academic standing in home economics-related courses. Project funding and grants are also available to members for educational programs through various foundations. Further details on these awards and grant programs follow.
OHEA President's Distinguished Service Award
This award is presented by the President at the OHEA Annual General Meeting to recognize the outstanding volunteer contributions of an individual member or members of OHEA in the preceding year. The recipient(s) of the award are chosen by the President and are presented with a framed certificate.
OHEA Founder's Honour Award
The Founder's Honour Award is given to a Professional Home Economist who has made an outstanding contribution to the profession. The nominee shall be a member of OHEA who has made a sustained contribution to the profession in the broader community in which they practice. Nominations for this award shall be forwarded to the current OHEA Chairperson and must include a brief biography of the nominee, a rationale for the contributions made by the nominee, and the signatures of two OHEA members. The award consists of a framed certificate which is presented at the Annual General Meeting.
To see a list of OHEA President's Distinguished Service Award and OHEA Founder's Honour Award 2019 winners, please click HERE!
Volunteer Recognition Awards
This award is given annually to recognize volunteers who have completed their terms of office on the Board of Directors or Executive or who have completed their work on standing or ad hoc committees. The award will be presented at the Annual General Meeting immediately following the completion of their work or term of office.
Non-members may only be considered for the Volunteer Recognition Award if they are not eligible for membership in OHEA.
OHEA Incentive Award The OHEA Incentive Award is presented to a student who is entering their final year of study at Ryerson University’s School of Nutrition, Brescia University College of the University of Western Ontario, and the University of Guelph’s College of Social and Applied Human Sciences. The recipient is chosen by the University for displaying the following qualities:
Maintains high academic standing in a Home Economics-related course of study;
Shows interest and concern for the work of the profession;
Plans for a professional career or further academic study in Home Economics or a
related profession (Human Ecology, Family Relations, Applied Nutrition)
Demonstrates potential leadership qualities;
Has successfully completed a Professional Practice course in Home Economics or a
related area; and
Furthers the aims of the Ontario Home Economics Association.
The award consists of a year's membership in the Ontario Home Economics Association, a certificate, and a subscription to OHEA's monthly News Digest. They will also receive a free registration to the OHEA conference. An article about the recipient will appear in OHEA News Digest.
As the award is chosen by each University, there is no deadline for applications. It is up to each University to choose a date for presenting the award.
Canadian Home Economics Foundation Grants & Awards
The Board of Trustees reviews applications and provides grants and awards to support work of Canadian home economists* in home economics research, education and public service projects, as well as post-secondary professional education and training.
General Funds The Canadian Home Economics Foundation currently holds a general fund,in addition to several specially designated funds.
General Funds Donations to this major fund support a variety of projects in home economics research, education and public service. Two specific projects are also supported from this Fund: Excellence in Technical Writing - Dr. Elizabeth Feniak Award : offers prizes in an annual writing competition open to senior undergraduate students, and those in graduate studies, in home economics and related programs at Canadian universities, for the best original papers reviewing recent research or new developments in one of the areas within home economics. Click here to download the application form.
Graduate Student Award : graduate students registered in a Master or Doctoral program in the field of Home Economics/Human Ecology may apply. This initiative for this award comes from the recognition of underfunding of graduate students in general, and Home Economics/Human Ecology fields, specifically. Preference will be given to students who have an undergraduate degree in a Home Economics/Human Ecology field. Click here to download the application form. Designated Funds Held separately from the General Fund, these funds were initiated by associations or individuals to pay tribute to a home economist, or to support a specific project area.
Communications and Information Dissemination - Gwenyth Bailey Simpson Award: supports projects that disseminate information to the public in current developments on topics related to food, general nutrition or consumer information and that involve a home economist or professional in a related field. Due January 31.
Consumer Studies and Family Resource Management - Margaret Speechly Stansfield Memorial Award : an annual award to support research or innovative public service or education projects in consumer economics or family resource management. Due September 30.
Family Finance - Edith Rowles Simpson Award : an annual award for professional updating in family finance. Due June 30.
Health Protection Lecture - Gwen E. Leslie Memorial Award : an annual public lecture or lectures on food or health protection topics.
International Development Project - Engberg-Fewster Fund: supports projects by Canadian home economists and their colleagues in the developing world. Due March 21.
Leadership Development - Doris Badir Award: supports leadership development activities in Canada and internationally. Due February 28.
Resource for Youth - Patricia J. Hames Award: offers grants to Canadian primary, elementary or secondary home economics/family studies educators to support projects directed to alleviating child poverty and developing life skills in Canadian youth.
CANADIAN HOME ECONOMICS ASSOCIATION (CHEA) FELLOWSHIP Value: $6,000 Awarded to a candidate studying in one or more aspects in the field of Human Ecology/Home Economics/Family and Consumer Sciences*, at the masters or doctoral level. The applicant must be accepted or enrolled in a post-graduate program in Canada at the time of application.
The Canadian Home Economics Association (CHEA) and the Ruth Binnie Fellowships are awarded to candidates in any of the following areas of study: human nutrition, food science, housing/shelter and aesthetics, architecture, financial resource management, clothing and textiles, family relations, human sexuality, human development.
RUTH BINNIE FELLOWSHIP Value: $6,000 Honours a founding member of the Nova Scotia Home Economics Association who dedicated her professional life to home economics education. At the time of application, the applicant must be enrolled in masters studies that focus on one or more aspect(s) of the field of Human Ecology/Home Economics/Family and Consumer Sciences*. Special consideration will be given to those pursuing a postgraduate degree in education. She may be studying abroad.
Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario International Scholarship
haVisit the FWIO website here. The Helen M.McKercher scholarship
This scholarship was established in 1976 to recognize Helen McKercher's years of service to FWIO as Director of the Women's Institute and Home Economics Service.
Value: $1,200
Purpose: To assist a graduate student to pursue a post-graduate degree in Family and Consumer Studies, Home Economics or in a related program.
The application has passed for the 2019-2020 year.