Food Fax®
Now in its 20th year of publication, Food Fax® is a quarterly one-page, complimentary news bulletin devoted to an issue prevalent in the food industry. The information, commentary and analysis of Food Fax® is appreciated by more than 800 colleagues worldwide, who receive the periodical directly. Food Fax® is published by Carol T. Culhane, a Professional Home Economist with a Master of Business Administration and a Certificate in International Food Law from Michigan State University. Carol has more than twenty-five years of multidisciplinary experience in the food industry. Click here to access Food Fax®. About the Canadian Symposium: Issues and Directions in Home Economics / Family Studies / Human Ecology
CS XIII Proceedings Home Economics Institute of Australia Inc. - Position paper
Home economics and the Australian Curriculum October 2010 The Five Keys to Safer Food explain the basic principles that each individual should know all over the world to prevent foodborne diseases. Over 100 countries have reported using the Five Keys to Safer Food. As a result, thousands of food handlers, including consumers, are empowered to prevent foodborne diseases, make safe and informed choices and have a voice to push for a safer food supply.
To ensure the same understanding in practice along the full chain - from farm to table – WHO has developed additional Five Keys materials directed to rural people who grow fruits, vegetables and fish for their own use or for sale on local markets. WHO’s objective is to target those who usually do not have access to food safety education despite the important role they have in producing safe food for their community. Home economists’ views and perceptions of spiritual health and wellbeing: A collective affirmation statement
Jay R. Deagon, PhD and Donna Pendergast, PhD Click here Augmenting Home Economists' Understandings of Cartesian Philosophy Jay R. Deagon, PhD Click here ![]() As recognized Registered Dietitians and nutrition communication experts, we’re pleased to share nutrition trends, insights and event highlights with you in our newsletters. ![]() Why take on the Healthy Kids Quest? To encourage and empower students to make healthy lifestyle choices. A healthy, balanced lifestyle is particularly important for children, since habits established in childhood often stay with us for life.
![]() Agriculture More Than Ever is an industry cause to improve perceptions and create positive dialogue about Canadian agriculture. Your ag story matters. Speak up and speak positively. Click here.
![]() Click here for tips on how to avoid credit card fees.
Nature's Sweet Mystery![]() Nature’s Sweet Mystery
Nature’s Sweet Mystery is an exciting teaching resource for grades 4-6. Through experiments and activities, students learn about food science, food production, the human body, nutrition, and physical activity within a series of four Missions. All activities have been developed to meet curriculum expectations in the areas of science, health and physical education across Canada. The content of this resource was developed by the Canadian Sugar Institute’s Nutrition Information Service, in collaboration with Ontario Agri-Food Education Inc. and educational consultants. Nature’s Sweet Mystery can be downloaded as a PDF or ordered free of charge and is available in both English and French. Recipes for Weight Management with Ontario Pork![]() Ontario Pork has just released a new resource as part of it's healthy recipe booklet line entitled “Recipes for Weight Management with Ontario Pork”. Other recipe booklets in this line include Gluten-Free and Managing Diabetes through Diet. Ontario Pork wants to emphasize that you do not need to sacrifice taste for health. The weight loss and diabetic friendly recipes have been reviewed by the Canadian Diabetes Association, while the gluten-free recipes have been approved by the Canadian Celiac Association.
These resources were produced by Andrea Villneff (a provisional member of the OHEA), and Emily Richards, P.H.Ec. developed the recipes. Booklets are available to be ordered for special events, contact Andrea Villneff at [email protected], specify which booklets preferred, quantity and a mailing address. You can download an electronic copy of these resources at the following link: Canadian Nutrition Society![]() Seven Reasons to Join
Click here for details Healthy Eating Awareness and Education Initiatives![]() Health Canada’s Healthy Eating Awareness and Education Initiatives are focused on improving awareness and understanding of healthy eating by motivating Canadians to make healthy food choices for themselves and their families. The objective of these initiatives is to increase Canadians’ quality of life by improving overall health and decreasing the risk of obesity, hypertension, and other nutrition-related chronic diseases through a healthy diet. It is hoped that Canadians’ understanding of healthy eating will be increased by emphasizing:
Healthy Eating Awareness and Education Initiatives
Eating Well with Canada’s Food Guide;
For resources that intermediaries can use with consumers, visit Health Canada’s website for information on: 1. Healthy Eating Toolbox This toolbox features a variety of resources, tools, and tips on promoting the importance of healthy eating to Canadian families. The toolbox includes resources you can share with consumers, resources for health professionals and educators, and marketing and media outreach. 2. Children and Healthy Eating This website offers information and resources on healthy eating after school, school health, cooking and food preparation skills and physical activity. · Eat Well and Be Active Educational Toolkit - The Eat Well and Be Active Educational Toolkit is designed to help those who teach groups of children and adults about healthy eating and physical activity, and encourage individuals to take action to maintain and improve their health. This toolkit features a downloadable poster, activity plans and images that complement the poster. For information for consumers, visit the Healthy Canadians website: 3. Healthy Canadians– Eat Well Central This website features information and resources on a wide variety of healthy eating topics such as: Eating well with Canada’s Food Guide, how to use the Nutrition Facts table, healthy grocery shopping with kids, the sodium issue, healthy eating for kids on the go, and much more. Click here to stay up-to-date on the new resources being developed by subscribing to the Food and Nutrition RSS feed. |
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