Algonquin College Pant-a-Thon
September is the time of year when the skills and talents of about 20 volunteers including Ottawa Home Economics Association members, friends and neighbours come together to hem the uniform pants of new culinary, baking and hospitality students at Algonquin College. Tuesday, September 3 marks the start of the Fall 2024 intake of uniform pants to be hemmed -- the largest of three annual intakes of new students. Smaller intakes take place in January and May. Expectations are for the hemming of more than 700 pairs of pants in over 3 days this September.
The Pant-a-Thon gives volunteers an opportunity to contribute to the local community – a $15 cost for hemming is included in the tuition fee for each student and, after expenses, fees are donated to the Algonquin College Food Cupboard to help students in need. Last year, the Fall 2023 donation was $3,579.00.
In addition to aiding students in need, the Pant-a-Thon also strives to ensure that students in the food profession have properly hemmed pants that contribute to their safety in the kitchen, sanitation, and professionalism.
Linda Robbins, Pant-a-Thon Coordinator